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New Hampshire Family Photographer | Personal Project 366 - 2020: Week 4

Updated: Feb 11, 2020

22/366 | Wednesday January 22, 2020

Happy Birthday Sharon! Today we had lunch at her work then for dinner we got takeout and made avocado smoothies, duh. Also there is her mini twin right there.


23/366 | Thursday January 23, 2020

I spy new house keys... Closing on a house calls for celebratory Starbucks! Hot Mocha + Java Chip Frappucino <3


24/366 | Friday January 24, 2020

Date Night in Downtown Dover. We still love Cinco's.


25/366 | Saturday January 25, 2020

Celebrating Abram turning 10 years old--holy moly I feel old!

Not pictured: celebrating Anna and Sharon's birthdays too :)


26/366 | Sunday January 26, 2020

Thankful for friends who offer to help move washers and dryers into our new home.


27/366 | Monday January 27, 2020

Dad has been cooking a lot lately-- like, a LOT. After dropping Kezia off from her game tonight, I couldn't NOT stay for his soto ayam.


28/366 | Tuesday January 28, 2020

Working from home has been really weird. It reminds me of taking studio courses all throughout college and being in charge of when I go into the studio and having to decide when to stop working on something. As a photographer, if I'm not doing a shoot, I am working on client communication, streaming my workflow, networking, advertising, and taking in as much education from free resources as I can. It can easily take up 40 hours a week, and bleed into family time and weekends because it's easy to just "respond to this text from a client real quick" even if it's 10pm on a Friday night.

On the flip side, it also is really easy to sleep in, show up to the computer in my pajamas and put in 50%, then when I get bored, go into the kitchen and snack on something and get completely sidetracked...

Today I decided to "get ready for work"—I gave myself set hours, showered, got dressed, opened up the laptop at my set time, then shut it off at my designated end time, even when there was still work that wasn't finished. It was probably the most productive I ever felt, and I gave myself no pressure to finish something after hours.

Bonus: 10 minutes before my start time, I found this gorgeous light in my kitchen, and I couldn't walk away from it. So, the camera came out... Hello, self-portrait.


Why am I doing a 366 Day Photo Project? Find out here.

Karen Wituszynski Photography

Somersworth NH / Dover NH

Rollinsford NH / Portsmouth NH

Seacoast New Hampshire and Maine

Family Fresh 48 Newborn Photographer


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